Struct MemoryBundle

Struct Documentation

struct MemoryBundle

Memory bundle for all byte-arrays.

Can be a set/subset of model, shortlist, vocabs and ssplitPrefixFile bytes.

Public Members

std::vector<AlignedMemory> models = {}

Byte-array of model (each element is aligned to 256)

AlignedMemory shortlist = {}

Byte-array of shortlist (aligned to 64)

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AlignedMemory>> vocabs = {}

Vector of vocabulary memories (aligned to 64).

If two vocabularies are the same (based on the filenames), two entries (shared pointers) will be generated which share the same AlignedMemory object.

AlignedMemory ssplitPrefixFile = {}

AlignedMemory qualityEstimatorMemory

Byte-array of qe model (aligned to 64)