Program Listing for File quality_estimator.h

Return to documentation for file (src/translator/quality_estimator.h)

#pragma once

#include <array>
#include <vector>

#include "annotation.h"
#include "response.h"
#include "translator/history.h"

namespace marian::bergamot {

class QualityEstimator {
  virtual void computeQualityScores(const Histories &histories, Response &response) const = 0;

class UnsupervisedQualityEstimator : public QualityEstimator {
  void computeQualityScores(const Histories &histories, Response &response) const override;

  Response::SentenceQualityScore computeSentenceScores(const std::vector<float> &logProbs, const AnnotatedText &target,
                                                       const size_t sentenceIdx) const;

// ASCII and Unicode text files never start with the following 64 bits
// It serves as a signature for quality estimator binary files
constexpr std::uint64_t BINARY_QE_MODEL_MAGIC = 0x78cc336f1d54b180;

class LogisticRegressorQualityEstimator : public QualityEstimator {
  using Array = std::array<float, /*LRParamsDims = */ 4>;

  struct Header {
    uint64_t magic;
    uint64_t lrParametersDims;
  struct Scale {
    Array stds;
    Array means;
  class Matrix {
    const size_t rows;
    const size_t cols;

    Matrix(const size_t rowsParam, const size_t colsParam);
    Matrix(Matrix &&other);

    const float &at(const size_t row, const size_t col) const;
    float &at(const size_t row, const size_t col);

    std::vector<float> data_;
  LogisticRegressorQualityEstimator(Scale &&scale, Array &&coefficients, const float intercept);

  LogisticRegressorQualityEstimator(LogisticRegressorQualityEstimator &&other);

  static LogisticRegressorQualityEstimator fromAlignedMemory(const AlignedMemory &alignedMemory);
  AlignedMemory toAlignedMemory() const;

  void computeQualityScores(const Histories &histories, Response &response) const override;
  std::vector<float> predict(const Matrix &features) const;

  Scale scale_;
  Array coefficients_;
  float intercept_;
  Array coefficientsByStds_;
  float constantFactor_ = 0.0;

  // Number of parameters with dimension - Scale(stds, means) and coefficients
  static constexpr const size_t numLrParamsWithDimension_ = 3;
  // Number of intercept values
  static constexpr const size_t numIntercept_ = 1;

  Response::SentenceQualityScore computeSentenceScores(const std::vector<float> &logProbs, const AnnotatedText &target,
                                                       const size_t sentenceIdx) const;

  Matrix extractFeatures(const std::vector<SubwordRange> &wordIndices, const std::vector<float> &logProbs) const;

inline std::shared_ptr<QualityEstimator> createQualityEstimator(const AlignedMemory &qualityFileMemory) {
  // If no quality file return simple model
  if (qualityFileMemory.size() == 0) {
    return std::make_shared<UnsupervisedQualityEstimator>();

  return std::make_shared<LogisticRegressorQualityEstimator>(

std::vector<SubwordRange> mapWords(const std::vector<float> &logProbs, const AnnotatedText &target,
                                   const size_t sentenceIdx);

}  // namespace marian::bergamot