Class AsyncService

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class AsyncService

Effectively a threadpool, providing an API to take a translation request of a source-text, paramaterized by TranslationModel to be used for translation.

Configurability on optional items for the Response corresponding to a request is provisioned through ResponseOptions.

Public Functions

AsyncService(const AsyncService::Config &config)

Construct an AsyncService with configuration loaded from Options.

Expects positive integer value for cpu-threads. Additionally requires options which configure AggregateBatchingPool.

Ptr<TranslationModel> createCompatibleModel(const TranslationModel::Config &config)

Create a TranslationModel compatible with this instance of Service.

Internally assigns how many replicas of backend needed based on worker threads set. See TranslationModel for documentation on other params.

void translate(std::shared_ptr<TranslationModel> translationModel, std::string &&source, CallbackType callback, const ResponseOptions &options = ResponseOptions())

With the supplied TranslationModel, translate an input.

A Response is constructed with optional items set/unset indicated via ResponseOptions. Upon completion translation of the input, the client supplied callback is triggered with the constructed Response. Concurrent-calls to this function are safe.

  • [in] translationModel: TranslationModel to use for the request.

  • [in] source: rvalue reference of the string to be translated. This is available as-is to the client later in the Response corresponding to this call along with the translated-text and meta-data.

  • [in] callback: A callback function provided by the client which accepts an rvalue of a Response.

  • [in] responseOptions: Options indicating whether or not to include some member in the Response, also specify any additional configurable parameters.

void pivot(std::shared_ptr<TranslationModel> first, std::shared_ptr<TranslationModel> second, std::string &&source, CallbackType clientCallback, const ResponseOptions &options = ResponseOptions())

With the supplied two translation models, translate using first and then the second generating a response as if it were translated from first’s source language to second’s target langauge.

Requires first’s target to be second’s source to work correctly - effectively implementing pivoting translation via an intermediate language.

  • [in] first: TranslationModel capable of translating from source language to pivot language.

  • [in] second: TranslationModel capable of translating between pivot and target language.

  • [move]: source: The source text to be translated

  • [in] clientCallback: The callback to be called with the constructed Response. Expects the callback to consume the Response.

  • [in] options: Options indicating whether or not to include optional members in response and pass additional configurations. See ResponseOptions.

void clear()

Clears all pending requests.


Thread joins and proper shutdown are required to be handled explicitly.

If you do not want to wait, call clear() before destructor.

TranslationCache::Stats cacheStats()
struct Config

Public Members

size_t numWorkers = {1}

How many worker translation threads to spawn.

size_t cacheSize = {0}

Size in History items to be stored in the cache.

Loosely corresponds to sentences to cache in the real world. A value of 0 means no caching.

Logger::Config logger

Public Static Functions

template<class App>
static void addOptions(App &app, Config &config)